"Personalization and Domestic Policy Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia," Democratization, forthcoming
“If Only the Governor Knew”: Subnational Contestation," APSA MENA Newsletter 5(1), Spring 2022
(with Christopher Carothers and Matthew Reichart). "When Can Dictators Go It Alone? Personalization and Oversight in Authoritarian Regimes." Politics & Society 51(1), 2023. (Accepted Manuscript)
(with Adel Hamaizia). "Foreign Scholarship Programs in Algeria and Saudi Arabia," in The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World, eds. Hicham Alaoui and Robert Springborg, (Lynne Reiner: 2021). Summary article for the Wilson Center available here.
"Making Moves: Reading Saudi Social Change through Commercial Tabletop Games." Journal of Arabian Humanities 14, 2020.
(with Courtney Freer) "Defining the ‘Tribal Advantage’ in Kuwaiti Politics." Middle East Law & Governance, Online pre-print. (Submitted draft version and data appendix)
Summary with application to 2020 Kuwaiti elections: "The ‘tribal advantage’ in Kuwaiti politics and the future of the opposition," Order from Chaos (blog), Brookings Institution, April 19, 2021
(With Daniel Moshashai and James D. Savage) "Saudi Arabia plans for its economic future: Vision 2030, the National Transformation Plan and Saudi fiscal reform." British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 47, no. 3 (2020): 381-401.​
(with Charlotte Lysa) "Women’s Sports Programs Are Challenging Saudi Arabia’s Gender Divide." Gulf Affairs, (2018): 9-12.
(with Charlotte Lysa) "Onwards and Upwards with Women in the Gulf." MERIP, (2018).
(With Naima Green-Riley) "Whose War is it Anyway? Explaining the Black-White Gap in Support for the Use of Force Abroad." Security Studies, Online preprint, 2023.​​
"Seek Fact From Texts: Saudi Media on China Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic." Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 14, no. 4 (2020): 538-553.
"Ties That No Longer Bind? Present Dynamics and Future Prospects for the U.S.-Saudi Relationship." in "Policy Roundtable: The Future of the Middle East," Texas National Security Review, (2020).
"Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Congress: Cooperation and Opposition Since 9/11." Dirasat 44, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, (2019).
(with Alexei Abrahams). "Social Media Manipulation in the MENA: Inauthenticity, Inequality, and Insecurity." POMEPS Studies 43, "Digital Activism and Authoritarian Adaptation in the Middle East" (2021)
(with Alexei Abrahams). "Electronic Armies or Cyber Knights? The Sources of Pro-Authoritarian Discourse on Middle East Twitter." International Journal of Communication 15, 2021.
Written up for the Washington Post as "Saudi Twitter blew up with support for the crown prince. How much of it is genuine?," March 9, 2021.​
(with Alexei Abrahams). "Framing a murder: Twitter influencers and the Jamal Khashoggi incident." Mediterranean Politics (2020): online preprint
(with Alexei Abrahams). "A storm of tweets: Social media manipulation during the gulf crisis." Review of Middle East Studies 53, no. 2 (2019).
(with Charlotte Lysa) "The Banality of Protest? Twitter Campaigns in Qatar." Gulf Affairs, (2016): 17-21.
"Resisting rentierism: Labor market reforms in Saudi Arabia." in The Politics of Rentier States in the Gulf, Project on Middle East Political Science Report 33, (2019): 34-39.​
(With Melani Cammett and Ishac Diwan) "Is Oil Wealth Good for Private Sector Development?" Working Paper 1299, Economic Research Forum. (March 2019)
"When the oil runs out: Changing rentier politics in the greater Mediterranean region." Mediterranean Politics 24, no. 5 (2019): 655-673.